- Made To Order

Double wear strip side net.
The side nets are made from 240gsm dip mesh net. The PVC wear strips are made from 900gsm PVC coated fabric. The wear bands and webbing are welded together using High Frequency welding.
The rollers are made from mild steel with 6 down bands evenly spaced along the length of the net. The buckles are mild steel with a LC of 350 daN
The dimensions are:
A = 3900mm
B = 1860mm
C = 540mm
D = 300mm
E = 620mm
F = 1390mm
For DVSA guidance on the uses of side nets please go to:Securing loads on HGVs and goods vehicles - 4. Ways to secure a load in an HGV or goods vehicle - Guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Please read the section on buckle straps and internal nets.
Data sheet